
Unlock the Magic Power of

Summer Enrichment Courses

English, Mathematics, French and more...

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Why take courses in summer

- Say NO to Summer Learning Loss; Say YES to Academic High Performance -

Summer Learning Loss, also known as Summer Slide or Summer Brain Drain, is the loss of academic knowledge and skills over the summer vacation in countries that have lengthy breaks in the school year, such as the USA and Canada. The extent of summer learning loss varies from one study to another. According to a new study cited by Forbes, children lose up to 40% of learning over summer break. Here are some commonly cited facts on Summer Learning Loss:

  • The equivalent of one month of learning is lost after summer vacation
  • 2.6 months of math skills are lost over the summertime
  • 2 months of reading skills are lost over the summertime
  • 6 weeks are spent in the new school year re-learning old material to make up for the loss

The good news is that it only takes a student 2 to 3 hours of study per week to prevent learning loss over the summer time.

On the contrary to Summer Learning Loss, a lot of motivated students try to take advantage of summer enrichment courses and summer learn ahead courses to expand the breadth and/or depth of their learning so that they are ready for further success in the new school year starting from September.

In the summer of 2022, we prepared enrichment courses for subjects including English, French, and Mathematics for further study. For detailed course descriptions, including dates and times, fees, and online registration, please click the REGISTER NOW button, which will lead you to our online registration page.

Enrichment courses offered in summer 2025

subject 1


The importance of Academic English can never be overstated. Don't let a student's Academci English skills to slide, instead using summer time to improve and enhance English reading and writing skills.

  • English Reading & Writing, grade 3-4

  • English Reading & Writing, grade 5-6

  • Introduction to English Essay Writing, grade 7-8

  • Public Speaking & Presentation, grade 4-6

Learn to write through reading. This course helps ensure that students can build on fundamental literacy skills as they move through the stages of reading and writing on their way to becoming more independent learners.

This course provides Grade 3 and 4 students with a broad-based education in key skills of reading and writing. Students receive in-depth, step-by-step instruction in a variety of foundational writing activities, from narrative to opinion pieces to summaries, supported throughout by close reading practices.

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Advanced Learner's Club, Summer Session

English and Math combined sits at the core of academic skills for students' future success. This summer session in our Advanced Learner's Club is designed to give young learners a boost for their acadimic performance in the new school year.

  • ALC Summer Session Courses

  • About Advanced Learner's Club - ALC

Summer is the perfect time to engage your kids with a personalized learning platform to improve or enrich concept mastery in Math and English. At the same time, the main goal of the Summer Session Course of our Advanced Learner's Club is to provide every student with a customized learning path that caters to his or her strengths, needs, and skills. These intensive week-long courses synergize Math and English language skills in a rigorous and fulfilling scholastic experience. Students can join just one week to get a taste of it or participate in as many as six weeks of courses to take advantage of personalized learning. Each class is 2 hours long and will cover contents and skills in math, English reading, and English writing.

subject 2


Due to the lack of opportunity to use and practice, Summer is the best time to help improve French language skills. The short video is an excerpt from our online French course in the summer of 2021. We are so happy to bring students and teachers back into the classroom this coming summer!

  • French Foundations, grade 1-2

  • French Reading & Speaking, grade 3-4

  • French Writing & Presentation, grade 5-6

This French course is for students at beginner levels. It introduces students to the basic underpinnings of the French language and supplements French content encountered in school classes for students who have just started learning French.

Learning outcomes include, but are not limited to, (a) Understanding French sounds; (b) Recognize the use and purpose of different accents; (c) Able to apply their learned skills in small group practice; (d) Build literacy foundation of French.

Class content is subject to change based on student's existing skills.

subject 3



High school math is a big jump from middle school; yet high school math is critically important for university application. It is time-tested good practice to learn math ahead in summer time so that students are prepared for good performance in new school year.

  • Grade 9 Math (MPM1D) Reach Ahead

  • Grade 10 Math (MPM2D) Reach Ahead

  • Grade 11 Math (MCR3U - Functions) Reach Ahead

This course enables students to develop an understanding of mathematical concepts related to algebra, analytic geometry, measurement, and geometry through investigation, the effective use of technology, and abstract reasoning. Students will investigate relationships, which they will then generalize as equations of lines, and will determine the connections between different representations of a linear relation. They will also explore relationships that emerge from the measurement of three-dimensional figures and two-dimensional shapes. Students will reason mathematically and communicate their thinking as they solve multi-step problems.

The course is designed to foster the development of knowledge and skills that Grade 8 students need to succeed in their subsequent mathematics courses in high school. Grade 9 students are also encouraged to participate as this course reviews many key points of Grade 9 Math as further preparation for a higher level of math learning.

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